So here we are again with SNSD :D

In their concept photos Sunny wore a vest from the Korean designer Doho.
I really like this vest! It has a lot of details ~ edgy, but it still has a feminine touch.

Additionally, for their concept photos Yoona wore a dress from Stylenanda (but without the belt).
It's nice when you can see aforadable clothes like Stylenanda along side with great designers.
That's the amazing thing about fashion - you don't have to spend a large sum of money to look good, you just have to be yourself and try to express that through fashion.
With confidence, anything can look good :D! Try to push the boundaries!

No buylink for any of them.


Credits: SM ent, Doho,Stylenanda
Copyright © 2013 K-world Style (K-pop & K-Drama Fashion)