Leadja Jay is a Salvage Beast
Its still Leadja Jay Wednesday!! From pictures provided by Jay's many fans on soompi I was able to find a new brand that 2pm wears - Salvage :D Get it salvage beast? Salvage the brand and 2pm's beastly image? Lol worthy? You decide...
Guess what? The shirt is....drumroll....60% off
You can cut off the sleeves for Jay style. :D Buy it here...also discounted :D
Guess what? The shirt is....drumroll....60% off
Was: 62 Now: 24.8~~~I can even afford this even though I'm not a guy...I'll buy it for my dad or something. Then again, I wouldn't want an image of Jay and my dad mixed up. For all the girls out there you can buy it for your boyfriend and imagine your bf is Jay. Cause you know...
Who doesn't want that??? If there is guys reading this...I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable.
Back to the clothes.
led Salvage Disorient Tee. Link to buy
There was another Salvage piece Jay wore. I couldn't find it but I did find a zip up with the same printing.
Credits: K-world Style, 2pm, Salvage, Listed above, 80's Purple, emoda
Maria :D