Sulli Let's Us See Her X-Ray
More f(x) stuff! YAY
In the picture above Sulli is seenflashing showing off the clothing under her ruffles.
In the picture above Sulli is seen
I thought wow that looks familiar! Then I realized TOPSHOP! YAY I found the skirt and it didn't look right. Turns out it is the dress that she is wearing.
The skirt/dress/whatever is called TOPSHOP X-Ray Print Tunic Top.
You can purchase it here at TOPSHOP.
I felt like a perv looking under Sulli's ruffles...
Credits: K-world Style, Elsoul Online, TOPSHOP, Soompi(pictures)
Maria :D
Ps the reason I posted three times for f(x) is to appear that I update a lot and I'm super good at this...XD