Who wore it better? Amber or Simba

f(x)'s Amber recently wore the VFILES Sport Plus MOTO L/S JERSEY in red/white/blue for her "Beautiful" mini-album teaser photo. 

Around the same time, JJCC's Simba wore the same top for Mwave Meet and Greet on 150203. In the photo below, he was modeling to show off the JJCC tote bag XD

This is an interesting "Who wore it better" because:
1) Amber has a statement jacket over her jersey; on the other hand you can see the detail on Simba's sleeves
2) It's a girl vs. a guy

Who wore it better?
See results

As I was making this post, a friend walked by to see what I was doing and mistook Amber for a male :P Tsk tsk AHT! (For security purposes I cannot reveal her name, only her initials)

*ଯ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ)ॢഒ*♡ Shelley

See Also:
Amber is Beautiful

Do not take without proper credit! 
Image Credits: SM Entertainment, Mnet
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