We Were 'On Air'
Hello guys, it's Maria.
For the last week, we have been in contact with Hahna of K-Popular from FM 101.3 MHz in Seoul. K-Popular has hosted many famous Korean stars, recently including Bumkey, Skarf, Andrew Choi, SALTNPEPPER, Geeks, Electroboys, 15& and more. For a comprehensive list, please click here.
This was kinda last minute, and I was the only writer to guest.
So, if anyone could tune in, that would be great. You can also listen after it's gone live.
I'm was on the Thursday show:
Warning: I'm quite tired, and this is my first time so it might be bad.
Here's their contact information:
This post was supposed to go up last night, Wednesday at 11:30pm EST to correlate to the actual airing of the show in Korea but due to scheduling mishaps, it went on at the wrong time.
Either way, I appreciate the offer and go check them out below.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kpopular
Website: http://tbsefm.seoul.kr/efm/kpopular/
If you want to listen go: http://tbsefm.seoul.kr/index.do?method=index&channel_code=CH_E
Direct: http://tbsefm.seoul.kr/vod/CW_rLivePlayer.jsp?ch=CH_E (the direct live link)
You do need Windows Media Player Extension for HTML5 to listen online. I learned that the hard way.
Thanks for your time.
Maria :D